
Blog/The Evolution of Roulette: From Traditional to Online Wheel

The Evolution of Roulette: From Traditional to Online Wheel

Roulette has an established following among casino players as it is a popular casino game worldwide. Due to its thrilling pace and a purely chance-based game, no wonder people are still going crazy over it, be it in physical or online casinos in Sri Lanka. But when did it become so popular? What is its origin and history? Well, it is actually believed that roulette entered the scene during the 17th century, going through several phases before developing into different versions such as European and American roulette. Now, playing online roulette for real money and on mobile devices began in 1996 and quickly rose to the occasion.

Before playing online roulette in Sri Lanka, read on in this article to know the origin of roulette, its development, and assimilation into online casinos.

The Said Origins of Roulette

Nobody knows for sure who invented roulette, but most agree it started in France in the 1700s. Some say a French math guy named Blaise Pascal was trying to build a machine that never stopped moving (perpetual motion machine) and accidentally created roulette instead. Others say French monks brought back a spinning wheel game from China. Either way, roulette became popular in French casinos because it was easy to play and offered a chance to win big.

The Development of Roulette

Roulette wasn't always the same everywhere. In the 1800s, two French brothers made a roulette wheel with only one zero, giving players a better chance of winning. This helped roulette spread even more. When roulette reached America, casinos there added another zero back in, making the American roulette wheel different. But the basic game stayed the same, and roulette kept being popular on both sides of the ocean. Later in the 1900s, even fancier roulette machines came out, letting people play without a real wheel or dealer. This made roulette even easier for everyone to try.

Roulette in the Modern Day Casino

The internet really did change everything, including gambling. In the late 1900s, people could gamble online for the first time. This meant playing roulette from home, on computers. Roulette games online started out pretty simple, just like playing in a real casino. But with even better technology today, there are many different roulette games you can choose from online. Some are the classics like European or American roulette, but there are even new ones that let you use skill and strategy.

The Future of Online Roulette

Online roulette is still very popular in 2024. New tech like VR and AR are making it even more amazing and immersive. VR roulette lets you wear a headset and feel like you're in a real casino, complete with sights and sounds and you can even chat with other players virtually while AR roulette uses your phone or tablet to bring the casino to you.


Overall, we see how the roulette wheel evolved throughout the decades, but it’s also interesting to know its origin and how it was developed into the roulette we know today. Its global popularity is also evident as roulette wheels are also shown in pop culture and films. Who knows what’s more to come for this exciting game? But for now, you must do your best to enjoy playing online roulette in Sri Lanka casinos, experience the suspense, and wish for luck to be on your side.

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